Category: Private Equity

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Startup capital raising

Our client is a startup in Hong Kong which is raising US$500,000.00 in a seed round prior to a Series A planned for next year. […]

Share charge (LBO debt security)

As part of a secondary LBO transaction in France, we were instructed to prepare a deed of release in relation to a previous share charge granted on shares in a […]

Structuring and investment

Our client, a Hong Kong company, has initiated negotiations to invest in a plant in another Asian jurisdiction by applying for shares representing a minority […]

Due diligence

Our client is a local manufacturing group which owns plants in Guangdong (PRC) and South East Asian countries. In order to diversify and retain a higher […]

Shareholders’ agreement

Our client is a local company with 5 equal shareholders. Each of them has a specific role in the company (CFO, Marketing etc.). The company has more than 50 […]

Employees Share Option Plan

Client had obtained templates from various sources in order to create a company’s employees share option plan. His idea was to draft simple documents based […]

Corporate governance

After months of lengthy and difficult negotiations, 2 corporate parties, founder and investor, had entered into a shareholders’ agreement regarding a […]